M. Damen Group B.V.


The M. Damen Group is located in Hardinxveld-Giessendam, the Netherlands.

The company’s history goes back about 30 years, to its founding in 1974.

The main activity of the M. Damen Group are shipbuilding and shipping / transportation.


Subsidiaries in shipbuilding:

The M. Damen Group consists of a number of subsidiaries, which are regionally orientated, a.o.: M. Damen Europe (Europe), M. Damen International (Middle East and Africa) and Rynwaal Shipyards.


Subsidiaries in shipping and transportation:

Aquarius, Brigantius and Damen Tankers.

P.O. Box 510

3370 BA Hardinxveld-Giessendam

Rivierdijk 200

3372 BM Hardinxveld-Giessendam

The Netherlands


Tel. +31 184 622779

Fax +31 184 622514

E-mail: kmdamen@mdamengroup.com